Ultrasound Markers Identify Congenital Heart Disease in Pregnancy

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from the problems found in the diagnosis of congenital heart disease has led to the efforts of Mahidol University by the Faculty of Medicine Siriraj Hospital which aims to study and research. Until being able to invent innovative ultrasound markers (Ultrasound Markers) for babies since they were in the womb

which has a high rate of sensitivity and specificity Make chances of surviving the newborn with Associate Professor. Dr. Sanittra Anuwutnawin and Dr. Thanapa Rekhawin Pinnington, Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology. Faculty of Medicine Siriraj Hospital Mahidol University tells about the success of such innovations. Which are the work of a team of maternal and fetal medicine doctors. Which is a related branch of the department

Ultrasound Markers Identify Congenital Heart Disease in Pregnancy

Published recently in the international academic journal Ultrasound in Obsterics and Gynecology. The circulatory system in the human body normally takes purified arterial blood from the lungs before transporting it to the atria. Left and lower left, then will be ready to nourish the organs in different parts of the body and will send the used venous blood. Through the right atrium before flowing into the right ventricle of the heart and sent back to the lungs for red blood purification

While congenital heart disease TAPVR (Total Anomalous Pulmonary Venous Return), which is the subject used in such research. It is a condition caused by abnormal blood flow. Since the process of purification of red blood from the lungs cannot be sent to the upper left chamber of the heart as it should be. Until it can cause severe “cyanosis” in newborns

by a team of maternal and fetal medicine physicians Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology. Faculty of Medicine Siriraj Hospital Mahidol University. It has found a way out of this disease by trying to make it possible to diagnose fetuses in the womb using ultrasound as efficiently as possible to find abnormalities before referral. To the hands of cardiologists for postpartum revision surgery promptly by using innovative ultrasound markers

This is a new technique that the research ยูฟ่าเบท team has discovered to be used as a screening tool for such abnormalities in the prenatal stage. So that babies can be treated in hospitals that are ready for surgical treatment heart. This is the distance posterior from the left atrium to the aorta divided by the size of the left atrium. Until it becomes a certain ratio. In infants with TAPVR, this ratio is higher than in normal infants. This will help doctors to suspect this disease even more and will conduct further tests to make a clear diagnosis.

However, congenital heart disease TAPVR has been reported infrequently as a very rare congenital heart disease. Less than 10 percent of prenatal diagnoses are difficult to diagnose. And few studies have been done on the subject, so few relevant reports have been published.